Multilayer steamed for instant noodles FUJI

Main | Milling and pasta plants |Production instant pasta | Multilayer steamed for instant noodles FUJI

Multilayer steamed for instant noodles FUJI

Capacity from 500 kgh
Layers 1-5

The starch contained in wheat flour, rice and potatoes has a dense molecular structure in its raw state, for the technological preparation of the dough, the following must be done:

  • In particular, the noodle strings cut by the knives are transferred to the SUS network conveyor and pass through the inside of the steam tunnel.
  • At this time, about 0.001 to 0.05 MPa steam is uniformly supplied through the nozzles to add moisture to the dough and heat it at the same time.
  • The temperature inside the tunnel is usually around +98-100°C, and the passage time is about 1-3 minutes.
  • In addition, the conveyor system can be selected from single tier or multi tier (3/5 tier) depending on production capacity and installation location.
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